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Casandra Fireblade.

Lives: by a beach in the falling Hills.

Occupation: An assassain and expert tracker

"She has mastered the art of invisibility and is quite adept in the field of martial arts. Her parents were killed when she was ten and she lived a life of theft from there on out. She learned her skills from being in many fights over the years. She is physically fit and stands 5' 10". She is very attractive, with flowing brown hair and sky blue eyes. She ran from the authorities in her home country after assassainating an unjust dictator and decided to hide out in Umbagollah. She never knows what the next day will bring and hopes to remain settled in Umbagollah."

Casandra lives close to one of the long stony beaches that run along the coast of the Falling Hills. Her house was been built from a mixture of materials: driftwood, round sea-rolled pebbles and larger rocks patched with the ghostly recollection of long-dead seaweed. The building has an irregular, humped shape. From a distance an unknowing traveller might mistake it for a giant crouched on the ground under her cloak.