Dr Quirk
Lives in: Chamber 126, Tower of Certifiable
Genius, city of Ex.
Occupation: Doctor of
Comments: "*ahem* The most exact
definition of Sesquipedalian is "one who uses extremely complicated
vocabulary", although my advanced studies of course function in
conjunction with multifarious sciences and philosophies. I found
Umbagollah to be a location with abundant opportunity for advanced
research into the intricacies of the contrast between clamor and
calm, discord and harmony, soliloquy and contemplation---suitable
for the world's most renowned female Sesquipedalian.
yes, and my prize begonias seem to do pleasingly well out here."
Dr Quirk's bedroom window opens onto the roof of the west
wing of the University of Ex's library. The west wing is the
library's reading room. Sunlight reaches the readers through an
immense glass hemisphere which takes up much of the roof. Stand on
the roof and look down, and two hundred feet below, you will see
students studying their books or biting their pens. Do it at night.
and you will see several dozen pools of candle- and lamp-light.
She grows her begonias on a walkway, five feet wide, between
the dome and the edge of the roof.
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