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Jailia Godentine.


Lives : In a small cottage just south of the Wandering Woods.

Occupation: Author/iIllustrator/carpenter

"I moved here because my good friend Naimah, recommended it. I really needed a place to escape to. She told me the forest is absoulutely wonderful. I come from a rich, intelligent family who expected me to keep the business going when I really DIDN'T want to. I almost left when I was twelve, but I decided not to be selfish. My brothers and sisters needed someone to teach them good morals, respect for others,and Christian values. My father was so busy "DOING" business with female colleagues, that he forgot who really loved him. My mother was so busy worrying about whose money she had and whose she didn't, that sometimes she forgot all about us. Therefore,as the eldest child , I was left with all the responsibilities and some burdens. My younger sister always knew I dreamed of coming here. She is now twenty-two and she told me to go and enjoy the rest of my life. I miss them so, but my sister put a hex on the house so, I could not go back. Not even to check on her. I miss all four of them. I had to travel for six months before I could figure out where to go. Thank you for reading my life story,
Jailia B. Godentine"

Jailia is married to Karaal Dremmings.