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Junkes Tasbane.


Lives in: Jail and several other places.

Occupation: General scribbler, travel writer and messer.

"Junkes likes carrots. It is as simple as that. He's got an anoying habit of being extremely surreal in several diffeent places at the same time. He wears big thick robes and says "the mules!!!!!" a lot. This leads people to think that he's strange and mentally disturbed.

He is.

But in a thoroughly good and wholesome way. He loves carrots and for some reason whenever you see him you have this impression of a large rabbit. Some suggest that he is a rabbit in human disguise but he says that's ridiculous. If he was gonna pretend to be a different animal he'd bloody well be a nice big armadillo and any other suggestions you can mail to him. He sings a lot and has a big house called The Warren in Jail and is a memeber of several theatre groups. He also carries a big quill pen that he isn't afraid to use. He has smaller houses all across the family made from various materials including mashed potato, peas and gravy. He once made one out of carrots but it didn't last too long. He ate it."