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Lucius Ambulantis, aka The Wanderer.

Lives in: Gum Gooloo, but most of the time he is wandering throughout the country.

Occupation: Nature observer


L. Ambulantis is a man well in his thirties, with sand-coloured hair and a short beard, not very tall. He can easily be recognised by his brown leather boots, his green jacket which is featured with a zillion pockets, and the binoculars around his neck. Most of the time he is either walking, or watching through his binoculars, or writing or drawing something in his notebook. The pockets in his jacket are filled with numerous bottles and little bags, containing insects and seeds and other nature trophies he has gathered in his life.

The Wanderer can be seen everywhere in the country, as long as there is nature around. However, he has his home in Gum Gooloo Gum Jublet, near the GUANO academy.

Lucius has a soft voice and is mostly speaking quite slowly, unless he is talking about some plant or animal. Then he can get very excited.

He only observes mating.

Lucius Ambulantis is member of the Grand Umbagollian Academy of Nature Observers (GUANO). The academy is settled in a large, solemn building near the Natural Museum in Gum Gooloo. Once a year, on the Day of Attics, there is a meeting in the Grand Assembly Hall of all members of the academy. They are discussing their observations of the last year, exchanging their notebooks, and having a great diner. The rest of the building is filled with dried plants, stuffed animals, ancient texts and drawings from notebooks, and other collectors items."