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Naomi Rivière


Lives: in the Aristocrat's District of Ex.

Occupation: Aristocrat who lives off her inheritance.

"Naomi inherited her father's belongings after his death; her mother died at her birth. She has platinum blonde hair, a beautiful emerald gaze, and enjoys flirting with guards, nobility and warriors. Has a sharp tongue, and wit, though."

Naomi lives in the Aristocratic District of Ex, somewhat near the River Fly, where the ground is damp. Her family has a short tower next to the Aristocrat's Library, where books and relics from the old aristocratic estates (gone now, never to return) are stored. Other aristocrats often pass by her door on their way to sit in the library's cold silence and flip through records of old poetic letters written from one dead aristocrat to another. The liveliness of the poems makes an odd contrast in the reader's mind to the quiet of the place.