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The Wild Bunch.

The Wild Bunch is a collective of rebels from Umbagollah, Undergollah and other places. Although their membership periodically increases and then decreases in membership they have a key core of members who act as a united committee on Wild Bunch affairs. They are based across Umbagollah and have many different agendas, their central purpose being to have fun. They are known to be on a paid mission having had secret meetings with a certain Gareth Glenshane who is believed to be searching for the remains of a dead ancestor. Since this meeting Gareth has become an associate member of the group.

Known leading members

Peros Ultyssa - the official leader and general front man.

Mr Stir-Fry-And-Die Master of the Orientollah and hit man, expert with a wok

Devron Nilder - evil scientist and cruel tormentor of small animals

Gareth Glenshane - descendant of aristocracy, known rebel

Junkes Tasbane - chief advisor to Ultyssa and obsessive carrot collector – known to have taken post in gov’t of Umbagollah

Mad Albert - old man who wears funny hats and likes beaches

Freaky Gypsy - the woman with the caravan, clever old hag

Fergus the Fungus - known collector of fungi, extremely dangerous, expert with poison and all forms of microwave dinners and fast food

Known minor members

Harry Kiri
Harry Krishna
Red the Jolly
Big John (known as BJ)
Not-So-Big-John (known as John)
Ostrich the Chef
Carny the Reaper
Nik and Nak the twins
Suzy Bell-Chime (known as the Clock)

The group have recently scattered across the country of Umbagollah due to internal dispute but are still united. They are just slightly annoyed with each other. These guys are dangerous in that they can cause death through amazement (at their stupidity and surrealism) and are handy with weapons.

Ultyssa was last seen wounded in Ex.
Tasbane was last seen working for the Umbagollian government in Ex.
Gareth was last seen in Bollocksburn, looking after his house.
Nilder was last seen with an army of the undead in Ex.
Stir-Fry was last seen in Gum Gooloo Gum Jublet.
Mad Albert was last seen on a beach on the Bathwater Ocean.
Freaky was last seen in Jail buying a new caravan.
Fergus was last seen buying a large arboretum boat in Cumber Poidy to keep his fungi on.

Read an interview with the Wild Bunch conducted by Fred-Who-Lives-On-The-Mountain.