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Wolf De Flame.


Lives in: The sharkskin house on the right-hand branch of the Tower of T.

Occupation: Mercenary/Tracker and part time fruit salesman.

A simple wanderer always looking for a new opportunity to work and explore, Wolf is a mysterious loner. He is about 6'2", with short silver hair and piercing grey eyes. He is an expert tracker and mercenary, but is willing to sell his fruits in the market at Jail. He moved to Jail because... well, he doesn't know why. He woke up one morning in an alleyway in Jail, and quickly earned enough money to buy a house and a fruit stand.

After hearing that Umbagollah was being invaded, Wolf left Jail and travelled to Ex where he volunteered for the army. Today he lives across from Trevon Andarosel in one of the Tower of T's dangling houses. The house is made from cured and polished sharkskin stretched across a light wooden frame and decorated with bits of coloured glass which flash in the sunlight. Locals have nicknamed it The Glinter.