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Zoé Michéle D'Aubigne.


Lives in: The Aristocratic District of the city of Ex.

Occupation: Aristocrat's daughter.

Zoé, born and raised in Umbagollah, is the epitome of elegance and spunk rolled into one. She has the sarcastic wit to rival the greatest of them, and when needed can be the well bred lady she was taught to be. Somewhat athletic, Zoé can usually pick up on any sort of game within and instant and perfect it, although she seems to want to stay...clean. Adorned with cream satin flesh, she has the most startling emerald gaze about. Her hair falls to the middle of her back in thick cocoa waves. With a slender, but toned figure, she is a most striking creature to look at, with a streaking zest for life hidden within, although her definition of a perfect life and someone else's defintion are quite different. Zoé was brought up prim and proper and it's quite hard to stray from what she has known her whole life. Her parents have been away on business for quite a while, years in fact, though few ever mention aloud, it's safe to say they're probably dead.

Zoé grew up with her family in the Aristocratic District of Ex. When the aristocrats were driven from their estates by the Exians two hundred years ago some of them were given towers in this part of the city where they could re-establish themselves. The District lies mostly in a dip quite close to the River Fly, so the ground is often damp and the lower parts of the towers suffer from decay. Her family's tower is no exception. A musty, wet odour rises from the roots. Her rooms are at the top, where the breeze blows through, but as she walks downstairs to the front door she will encounter a smell so robust, so penetrating, that it seems to have a body of its own, furred, substantial and musky.