The Umbagollian Calendar.

The Umbagollian year has one hundred and eighty-eight days. There are no months or numerically organised dates. Years are not numbered either. Instead, each year and day has been given its own name. (you can,however, get your bearings with Lady Mbuku's innovative numerical history timeline.)

For the convenience of visitors who live in the Real World, I have set the Umbagollian days out on a normal Western calendar. Your year is slightly more than twice as long as ours, so I've combined two of your months in each section. This should make it easy for you to find the Umbagollian equivalent of whatever date you are living in at the moment.
January / July
Jan 1 / Ju 1

The day with five corners

Jan 2 / Ju 2

The day of wife dead, daughters gone.

Jan 3 / Ju 3

The day that oozes blue vapour.

Jan 4 / Ju 4

The Day that lies broken.

Jan 5 / Ju 5

The day that wore the other's face.

Jan 6 / Ju 6

Mushroom forest day.

Jan 7 / Ju 7

The day that exchanges arms and legs.

Jan 8 / Ju 8

Day of the drowned dog.

Jan 9 / Ju 9

The day exposed to infinity.

Jan 10 / Ju 10

The day that oozes soft words.

Jan 11 / Ju 11

The day like circles of spit in the dust.

Jan 12 / Ju 12

The day numb and snug

Jan 13 / Ju 13

The Day with its own smell.

Jan 14 / Ju 14

The day, coiled and flourishing

Jan 15 / Ju 15

The day like a gesture.

Jan 16 / Ju 16

The day, utterly worn out, utterly so.

Jan 17 / Ju 17

The self-conscious day.

Jan 18 / Ju 18

The day of harps and trousers

Jan 19 / Ju 19

The day that disappeared afterwards.

Jan 20 / Ju 20

The day that never developed

Jan 21 / Ju 21

The day, morose.

Jan 22 / Ju 22

The day of black sparks and mildewed forests.

Jan 23 / Ju 23

The day that eats rock.

Jan 24 / Ju 24

The day, shouting querulously

Jan 25 / Ju 25

The day that measures the sky with its fingers

Jan 26 / Ju 26

The day of rotten triumph

Jan 27 / Ju 27

The day of romantic pragmatists.

Jan 28 / Ju 28

A very faint shriek of a day.

Jan 29 / Ju 29

The day with grit between its teeth.

Jan 30 / Ju 30

The day with stony skylines.

Jan 31 / Au 1

The day, apart, bisected.


February / August

Fe 1 / Au 2

The day of no surprises

Fe 2 / Au 3

The day, licking rainbows.

Fe 3 / Au 4

The day that is your warrior

Fe 4 / Au 5

The day of thunder and disruption

Fe 5 / Au 6

The day of vertical horizons

Fe 6 / Au 7

The day of earth light

Fe 7 / Au 8

The heaviest day.

Fe 8 / Au 9

Free Bird day.

Fe 9 / Au 10

The day crumbling with echoes.

Fe 10 / Au 11

The day with blocks of pain.

Fe 11 / Au 12

The day cloudless and leafless.

Fe 12 / Au 13

The day of cards

Fe 13 / Au 14

Day of abandoned luggage.

Fe 14 / Au 15

The day of roaming grunts and whistles

Fe 15 / Au 16

The day of dirty whiteness.


Fe 16 / Au 17

The day of gifts and tremors.

Fe 17 / Au 18

The day, leaking cries.

Fe 18 / Au 19

The day of the dancing oak

Fe 19 / Au 20

The day, a gallery of marvels.

Fe 20 / Au 21

Beauty-dress day.

Fe 21 / Au 22

The day, of annunciated clay.

Fe 22 / Au 23

The day with the attention span of a gnat.

Fe 23 / Au 24

The day of thirsty seas.

Fe 24 / Au 25

The day of flying trees.

Fe 25 / Au 26

The tireless day.

Fe 26 / Au 27

The day that sloughs atoms.

Fe 27 / Au 28

The wind-fondled day

Fe 28 / Au 29

The day of lights and lenses.


March /September

Ma 1 / Au 30

The day of moon and offal.

Ma 2 / Au 31

The day burning, unconsumed


Ma 3 / Se 1

The day of skull and wrist.

Ma 4 / Se 2

Whirling tree day.

Ma 5 / Se 3

The only day left in the world.

Ma 6 / Se 4

The day forever closed.


Ma 7 / Se 5

The day of downwind rain.

Ma 8 / Se 6

The day with broken glory.

Ma 9 / Se 7

The day of smoking breath in the morning.

Ma 10 / Se 8

The day of creepy-crawly nurseries.

Ma 11 / Se 9

The day of swallowed insects, the sea.

Ma 12 / Se 10

The day, an annuity of slugs and moths.

Ma 13 / Se 11

The day with six arms and one leg.

Ma 14 / Se 12

The day of nightcaps.

Ma 15 / Se 13

The day fire like a glory broke.

Ma 16 / Se 14

The day of kindled stars.

Ma 17 / Se 15

Touch a twig day.

Ma 18 / Se 16

The day widening and deepening.

Ma 19 / Se 17

The day our prints are neat.

Ma 20 / Se 18

The day of sharp concentration.

Ma 21 / Se 19

The day as white as deep snow.

Ma 22 / Se 20

The day as dark as the stars.

Ma 23 / Se 21

The day of first infatuations.

Ma 24 / Se 22

The day of love.

Ma 25 / Se 23

The day my tongue forgot its key.

Ma 26 / Se 24

The day, deserted by its arrows.

Ma 27 / Se 25

The incompre-
hensible day.

Ma 28 / Se 26

The day with its own private universe.

Ma 29 / Se 27

The day to talk about the weather


Ma 30 / Se 28

The day hard to ignore.

Ma 31 / Se 29

The day that is ours to endure.


April / October

Ap 1 / Se 30

The day, breaking free

Ap 2 / Oc 1

The day they could not see me.

Ap 3 / Oc 2

The day, running for shelter.

Ap 4 / Oc 3

The day with all it wants.

Ap 5 / Oc 4

The day, more than enough.

Ap 6 / Oc 5

The day that is more than a thought.

Ap 7 / Oc 6

The day of speaking birds.

Ap 8 / Oc 7

The day of lifted curses.

Ap 9 / Oc 8

The day of body paint and grass.

Ap 10 / Oc 9

The day of shared pleasure.

Ap 11 / Oc 10

The day of insubordinate boredom.

Ap 12 / Oc 11

The tightly squeezed day.

Ap 13 / Oc 12

The day that won't let go.

Ap 14 / Oc 13

The day of cold dinners.

Ap 15 / Oc 14

Long rat day.

Ap 16 / Oc 15

The day everything matters.

Ap 17 / Oc 16

The day the clouds are endless.

Ap 18 / Oc 17

The day of muttering rocks.

Ap 19 / Oc 18

The day the trees thundered in unison.

Ap 20 / Oc 19

The day of parting from rocks.

Ap 21 / Oc 20

The day of littered memory.

Ap 22 / Oc 21

The day of pouring winds.

Ap 23 / Oc 22

The day of steady drumbeats and strings.

Ap 24 / Oc 23

Blurry toes day.

Ap 25 / Oc 24

The day of the sky's missionaries.

Ap 26 / Oc 25

The day lying in the depths of your imagination

Ap 27 / Oc 26

The day with worlds above and worlds below.

Ap 28 / Oc 27

The day that drops away.

Ap 29 / Oc 28

The day gets turned around.

Ap 30 / Oc 29

The day, where you will.



Ma 1 / Oc 30

The day you can't explain.

Ma 2 / Oc 31

The day your cup is full.

Ma 3 / No 1

The day of eels.

Ma 4 / No 2

The day of unmade water.

Ma 5 / No 3

The day That dries up.

Ma 6 / No 4

The day, it takes three nights to pass.

Ma 7 / No 5

The day chooses a path

Ma 8 / No 6

The day of shells and houses.

Ma 9 / No 7

The day that inflames you.

Ma 10 / No 8

The day that sleeps alone.

Ma 11 / No 9

The day that spins and spins.

Ma 12 / No 10

The day that doesn't remember its friends.

Ma 13 / No 11

The day of recurring dreams.

Ma 14 / No 12

The day with neither water nor land.

Ma 15 / No 13

The day of roots and burials.

Ma 16 / No 14

The water-gifted day.

Ma 17 / No 15

The day of attics.

Ma 18 / No 16

The day with one eye.

Ma 19 / No 17

The day that flies like a spark.

Ma 20 / No 18

The day, drooping and melting.

Ma 21 / No 19

The day of socks and red dresses.


Ma 22 / No 20

The day of shaved branches.

Ma 23 / No 21

The day the bones show their attitudes.

Ma 24 / No 22

The day of kind air.

Ma 25 / No 23

The day fits like a glove.

Ma 26 / No 24

The day of the hill-field.

Ma 27 / No 25

The day of sunstruck grass.

Ma 28 / No 26

The day of squalling smoke.

Ma 29 / No 27

The day, cast your gaze around.

Ma 30 / No 28

The day of eddies and glides.

Ma 31 / No 29

The day of boiling snowflakes.



Ju 1 / No 30

The day the bushes eat gold..

Ju 2 / De 1

The day of freed bells.

Ju 3 / De 2

The day wet as mud.

Ju 4 / De 3

The day of ducks and roses.

Ju 5 / De 4

The day of friends and thrown shadows.

Ju 6 / De 5

The day of unconsumed thought.

Ju 7 / De 6

The day of shivering and love.

Ju 8 / De 7

The day of libation.

Ju 9 / De 8

The day that clutches you like sharks.

Ju 10 / De 9

The sadstruck day.

Ju 11 / De 10

The day of weird sunspots.

Ju 12 / De 11

The day of dead boots.

Ju 13 / De 12

The day of absolute puddles and meadows.

Ju 14 / De 13

The day of blind grass.

Ju 15 / De 14

The faceless day.

Ju 16 / De 15

The day of trembling chins and stockings.

Je 17 / De 16

The day that wove its insects.

Ju 18 / De 17

The day of dead glass and tongues.

Ju 19 / De 18

The day of bronze fondness.

Ju 20 / De 19

The day proud of its convenience.

Ju 21 / De 20

The day that sings.

Ju 22 / De 21

The day, the day is late.

Ju 23 / De 22

The day of willow herb.

Ju 24 / De 23

The day with a mute pale head.

Ju 25 / De 24

The day light as air.

Ju 26 / De 25

The day with green stripes.

Ju 27 / De 26

The day of sun and sulking roses.

Ju 29 / De 27

The day, we dreamed it.

Ju 30 / De 28

The day of delicate thrushes.