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The Stonen Drum.

Long ago an tribe lived in Sambadhjo. The head of that tribe had a beautiful daughter, named Taloela. When here father looked at her, he thought: "Who of that young men is good enough to marry my daughter?" And he answered himself: "Nobody!"

Every day young men went to the head. The brought gifts and asked him if they could marry Taloela. But Taloela's father didn't want a man for Taloela. Therefor he invent a very hard order. He said: "The young man who can make a stonen drum, will marry Taloela".

No-one of the young men dared to say that making a stonen drum was impossible. They all tried to make a drum out of hard, grey boulders. Gilam loved Taloela more than anyone did. Every day people of the village heard him say: "I'm going to the Big Grey Mountains to make my drum". And then he walked away, to the mountains outside the village.

At the end of the week he went to the father of Taloela. "I made a stonen drum", he said. "And I want to show him to you. But the drum is very heavy. I want to bring it to you, if you give me a cushion of smoke. Then I can carry the drum on my head to you." Taloela's father looked to Gilam and then to the fire that burnt in front of his house. He called his sons and said: "Collect smoke!" His sons ran to catch the clouds of smoke with a blanket. But sure, they couldn't catch the smoke. After that, Taloela's father tried it himself. But he couldn't catch the smoke, too. "It's impossible!" he shouted. "Why are you asking me to do something impossible. Do you want to ridicule me?"

Gilam bow to the head and said: "Head, why did you ask me to make a stonen drum? That's impossible, too! This way your daughter will never marry!"

First Taloela's father got very angry, but then he understood that Gilam was a very clever and brave man. He was good enough to marry Taloela. "Do you want to marry Gilam?" he asked Taloela.Taloela knot, because she loved Gilam as much as Gilam loved her...