The Fly
(from The Loser by Marcella
"This place is a marvel," she said solemnly. "It is
where we met. It belongs to us." Well, since it meant so much to her
I think I might as well describe it to you here and extend her
fondness a little farther.
The Fly Ravine, then, is all of
these things: the source of the Fly River, well hidden within the
Two Shows Ranges; a great, solid gash in a wall of rock; a
hurley-burley of water and wind; a world of implacable, stone angles
whipped by spume; and the great natural love of my love, Eugenia
Thicket. Trickling across the mountain above all this fury is the
narrow path where we walked. The violence of the spectacle below us
was so pronounced that this path, this tiny thread of ground that
sometimes approached being horizontal, was dearer to me than any
amount of spray and drama. You readers who believe that I have
devoted too much of this story to insubstantial details might like
to remember that our minds will make the slightest event into an
affair of great importance, as long as something in that slight
event is relevant to our dearest interest, ie, ourselves.
The wind blew up from the depths like a shout and I
mentioned the pleasant coolness of the air; we went a little farther
and cool became cold. We were approaching the waterfall. Its plunge
began from a lip of rock well above our heads. I craned my head back
to see the top and the sun dazzled me over the edge of the cliff as
it would later dazzle me through the beehives near On The Hilltop.
(see, dear reader, how skillfully I weave this incident together
with the opening paragraphs of my book!) Behind me the ravine ran
away into the mountains, chasing the river as it tore along between
cliffs and outcroppings, punctuated by smaller waterfalls until the
cliffs and outcroppings and waterfalls dwindled away, abandoning the
river to a domestic life among the plants of Gum Gooloo and through
the relatively flat remainder of the country. And how did this
affect me? It did not. See the end of my last paragraph. My eyes
were on Eugenia and I was happy.
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