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The Gate of Snobs and Lizards

(Extracted from The most beautiful Gates and Hedges in Gum Gooloo Gum Jublet by Amelia Cabbagekeep)

...from this extraordinary example of the art to adapt nature itself into a creative reflection of our own imagination, we continue our exciting tour towards the most outlying part of our beautiful city. After a long walk on the road to Ex we finally arrive at the very last house of Gum Gooloo Gum Jublet. It is quite impossible to miss one of the most beautiful gates of this town. The gate consists of a marvelous cast iron arch which is beautifully ornamented with frogs and lizards. The wings of the gate have of a sturdy grating, also made of cast iron. It can be closed by a heavy lock, of which the key is kept by the Bald family. The splendour of this gate has wisely not been marred by the presence of a fence, and so it stands alone.

One member of this family, who lives in that lovely little cottage right next to the gate, has the task of gatekeeper. Since ancient times they open and close the gate at irregular intervals. If the gate is closed, one has to wait until the current gatekeeper of the Bald chooses to open the gate again. In general it does not take much longer than about half a day. The Bald then leaves his cottage, puts the heavy key in the keyhole, turns it around and opens the gate with a grinding noise. This is amazing spectacular view, and it is worth waiting for it. All those impatient folks who just walk around this most exceptional gate will of course miss this event.

The gate is there since the times people left our town and called themselves aristocrats. Even then the citizens had the insight that nothing good would come of this, and built the gate to keep them out. It is said that the frogs and lizards symbolize the different aristocratic families, and each of those cute little iron animals has its own character. Another important historic fact about this gate is that it was open at the moment on which the evil Exians invaded our city. Afterwards Gerald Bald, the then responsible gatekeeper, was asked why he had left the Gate open. "Why not?", was his only answer.

Now we must leave the Gate of Snobs and Lizards alone, because there are so many other amazing hedges and gates in our city...
by Trevon Andarosel.