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The story of Jennitha.

Here a story about Jennitha, her beauty and curiousity became her death. Please enjoy!

Once upon a time in Sambaradjo there lived a beautiful girl and her name was Jennitha. Jennitha was not only beautiful, but also very arrogant and self-conceited. But boys who fell in love with her, didn't notice. They loved her because of her beauty and brought her the most expensive and beautifullest presents. And always Jennitha answered them: "Thank you, I'll be thinking of you". And then the boys brought Jennitha more gifts, so she wouldn't forget them. And every time she was in the town, the boys called: "Jennitha, Jennitha, beautiful Jennitha! Please marry me, Jennitha!" But Jennitha didn't want to marry and always said to them: "I'll marry the most faithful boy there is." And then the boys brought her more gifts.

One day Jennitha was in the forest and suddenly she saw a little green bag, half buried in the ground. She was very curious and took the bag. And when she opened it, a little fairy flew out of it. "Hi, Jennitha, " the fairy said. "Thank you for releasing me. I've been in this bag for 5000 years. I want to thank you. Tell me a wish, and I will make it come true." Jennitha was very surprised and thought. She had everything she wanted, except one thing...

The thing she was the most afraid of: the future. She was always frightened of tomorrow. Tomorrow could bring her uglyness, or unhappiness. "I want to be clairvoyant, " Jennitha said. "I want to know what the future brings." "You want what?" the fairy said. "Do you really really want to be clairvoyant?" "Yes, " Jennitha knot, "All the other things I've got. I don't want anything else. " "Well, in that case, you WILL be clairvoyant. But please promise me, whatever you see, always ask WHY you see it. That's the only warning I can give you." And then the fairy disappeared. Jennitha thought of her last words: "Whatever you see, always ask WHY you see it." But she didn't understand them and when she was home again, she had forgotten them.

That night, when she was lying in bed, Jennitha thought: "What will tomorrow bring? Will I be as beautiful as today and will I get as much presents as I got today?" And suddenly she saw an image in front of her. She saw herself, as beautiful as today, walking through the streets of her town. And a lot of boys where running behind her, giving her presents and shouting: "Jennitha! Jennitha! Beautiful Jennitha!" And then Jennitha understand that this must be an image of tomorrow. She was really clairvoyant!

Jennitha was happier than ever before. Every night she looked in the future and saw that nothing would change her beauty and that she still would get presents. But then the day came that she asked herself: "When will this all stop? Will there be a day that I'm not beautiful anymore, or perhaps, will die? When will this day be?" And in front of her, she saw an image. She saw herself, lying in bed, and around her bed she saw her mother and some of her family. "It's so sad, " her mother sighted, "And she was just one day 16 years old!" Her grandmother knot. "Yes, she was. And she was so beautiful and gentle. But what now? She's blind, paralyzed and more dead than alive."

Jennitha looked to herself in the image in front of her and saw that her grandmother was right. She was blind, she was paralyzed and only her irregular breathing showed that she was alive. Jennitha screamed. The image she saw was in the near future, what did she hear her mother say? "She was just one day 16 years old". And tomorrow, tomorrow was Jennitha's 16th birthday! There were two days left before she should die!

Jennitha screamed, and screamed again and jumped out of her bed. She didn't want to die, and she wouldn't become paralyzed and blind at all. She had no doubt about the truth of the things she had seen, her clairvoyant was always right. And it WAS true that she should die in two or three days. "No!" Jennitha cried, "No, I don't want to wait to that moment. If I have to die, I have to. But I'll not suffer!" And she ran out of the house, to the nearest waterfall. It was a high waterfall, and no-one would survive jumping from it. Jennitha climbed up the hills left from the waterfall and when she was above, she looked down. Fifteen meters beneath her she saw her town, and the river. "I'll not suffer at all, " she said and jumped...!

"It's so sad, " Jennitha heard her mother say, "And she was just one day 16 years old!" Jennitha tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't see anything. And then she realized that she was blind... And paralyzed. Her grandmother said: "Yes, she was. And she was so beautiful and gentle. But what now? She's blind, paralyzed and more dead than alive."

Jennitha tried to speak and shout, but she couldn't open her mouth. And suddenly she remembered the words of the fairy: "Whatever you see, always ask WHY you see it". Jennitha cried, but she had no tears. She had nothing, she was blind, paralyzed and had only a few days to live. Her curiousity and her beauty became her death, because she hadn't asked why...

by Samara Jalaya.