The Museum of Present Normalcy.
The Museum of Present Normalcy (or, Normalcy in the Present) was established in the Year of Earth Suckling by eight Connections scholars from Ex, the Falling Hills and Gum Gooloo Gum Jublet. MoPN houses a collection of objects, stacked and piled on the shelves and in the drawers: everything is arranged carefully but nothing is filed away. Visitors may open the drawers and ruffle through the boxes of material if they wish. The objects have been donated by Umbagollians of all kinds, from inhabitants of the back alleys of Jail to the only poet who lives beneath the shadow of the Two Show Ranges in the village of Eyes by the North Thrip River.
A random sampling of the objects on display includes:
A shoe.
A length of grass plaited around a fish bone.
A shell with a coloured interior, labelled, "See inside."
A ball of fluff
A hat.
A scrap of cloth
The dessicated leg of a dog.
An box filled with air, marked, 'One breath: from the Year of Itches'
A second air-filled box marked, 'A song from the Jail musical theatre play, "Long Story," sung by Margot Hem.'
A cog and bolt, with a tag attached: "Machine fetus, never got any further."
Birds' feathers.
A honey-cake, old and mouldering.
When visitors enter the Museum, a friendly notice announces that they may donate any object they might happen to have on them, if they wish to. In return, donors may take one of the other exhibits home with them, if they choose to. In one room, they are provided with sheets of paper where they can record 'The Thought I am Having at this Moment,' 'My opinion of the last person I saw,' or 'Thoughts about my hands.' The papers are stacked together in rows of shelves where they can be browsed through. Occasionally a random selection of sheets will be sealed together to make a book, or taken into the open area outside the Museum to be carefully burnt. On some mornings, the attendant will close their eyes and pick a sheet of paper which they then tear up or give away.
The objective of the museum, said its creators, is "wonderment," and "To emphasise transience, specialness and to create an atmosphere of rarity." The building occupied by the Museum used to be a deserted house, and the belongings of the last inhabitant have been left as they were when he died. This cluttered place in which everything can be touched stands in contrast to Gum Gooloo Gum Jublet's Museum of Cultural and Natural History where certain valuable exhibits are kept safely locked away from fiddling hands or only displayed on special occasions. The attendants at MoPA imitate the MoCNHM's careful labelling and classifying of objects, but their exhibits are chosen - or rather, left to choose themselves - by chance rather than through the conscious designs of historians.
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