The North Thrip River.
Dear Sister,
What a change has overcome me! You will have received my unhappy letter about my adventures around the South Thrip River, the sheer impossibility of setting up a proper Doctors' practice there? I promised you that I would return to Ex? Well dear, my plans have changed. My route became somehow wildly dishevelled and I found myself driven well off course to the North Thrip River where I am now planning to establish myself as the first Feeling Doctor in the area.
Now, I know what you will say. "Why, when she was so unhappy with the South Thrip, does she want to live on the North Thrip?" Let me assure you that the North is quite different. Again I am dealing with a flow of melted snow, it is true, but this river runs through the landscape of the High Country, a wonderful, bountiful area of sweeping hills and wild dales, a breathtaking sight in any weather. The river dashes along merrily, a chuckling, sprightly creature, darting over rocks in a tumble of white water or swirling out into broad pools upon which the surface curls slowly in circles with a healthy shine like that of clean hair. These people live on the same indefinite frontier as those on the South Thrip, but their attitude is positively benign by comparison. They relax, they believe that life is there to be lived, and if They come, well then, They come, and there is nothing that worrying will do about it. Their blood sings so sweetly that Feeling for illness in them is a pleasure. This morning I drifted away into reverie and imagined that I was at home with you listening to a beautiful concerto when it was only the music in the blood of a tiny child that was affecting me! I waxed rhapsodic to her father and the poor man went away with a most peculiar expression on his face, I do believe he thought I was barmy.
Some way out to sea from the river's mouth they tell me they can see the bobbling glass houses of the Kelp Forest, but I look and I see no such thing, I think their eyes are playing tricks on them. I may be a Feeling Doctor, but I know I am not a blind one, and if there were a glass bubble out there I would see it well enough.
Fareshteh C.
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