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The Orrery of Dreams.

Instructions for an orrery of dreams.

These instructions were issued by Duke David O' Charme'in to Ruth Calfbell, Instrument-maker. One year later, the Duke's livlihood was destroyed by the Exians The project was resurrected in 1054 and completed at the end of 1056.

"You have been commissioned to construct for me an orrery with the power to track outbreaks of dreaming. The building enclosing the orrery will be built by Nantaporn Sail and her sons. This building will be domed and circular. The top of the dome is to be open to the elements, in the manner of a boiled egg with the cap taken off. A wide canvas is to be kept ready by the opening in case of rain. The machine must not be permitted to become wet.

See Sail for the measurements of the building. As of this moment it seems that it will be roughly the size of a house.

I have cast my mind over the plans you submitted to me last week, and to my eyes they appear excellent. I will outline my understanding of them below. Please notify me immediately if you see any discrepency between your view of the machine and mine.

1. Each type of dream is to be represented by a glass ball enclosing a cloud of sensitive gas. The gas will be coloured so that we may identify each ball with ease. Nightmares of violence will be represented by a red ball; dreams of love and friendship by a blue ball; dreams of abandonment by loved ones by a yellow ball; dreams of curiosity and exploration by a green ball; dreams of conflict by an lavendar ball; dreams of the evaporation of the Self by a grey ball.

2. Each ball will be held at the end of a long arm made of plain metal and coated with bronze.

3. The other end of each arm will terminate at the instrument's central hub. This hub contains the machanics necessary to rotate the arms and guage their movements accurately.

4. The balls will move over a map of Umbagollah, set into the floor with mosaic. The position of each different ball (as calculated and judged by the hub) will show us the theme of the majority of dreams in that area. So, if the red ball is suspended over Gum Gooloo Gum Jublet, then we know that the people in our city are experiencing nightmares of violence. If two balls come into a conjuction at one place, then we may expect the dreams to be a combination of the two types.

I am sending Doctor Herbert Beard to your workshop. He has studied the shifting trends of dreams across the country for fifty years. He has been told to help you set and calibrate the hub. See: I do not expect you to do everything."