Umbagollians respect creative
sportsmanship. In fact, you could say that the aim of their games is
not winning, but a kind of inventive mutation. Games rarely end up
with the same rules they started with, and players regularly swap
from one side to the other, just to see what it's like. In the case
of the Falling Hills' sport of fairigame,
for instance, the players' behaviour is all-important and nobody
bothers counting the score.
Here are some examples of other
games. We would like to thank Samara for her tireless research in
this area :
* The Exian sport of Difficult. Players may not
touch the ball. There are two teams and you’ve got to make a goal,
but without any phyisical closeness to the ball.
* The
Jailian Ball Game That Hurts. The BGTH is played indoors,
upside-down. The ball (or whatever is being used as the ball: a pair
of socks, a rock, a dead rat) is carried around the room in the
players' mouths. This is one of the country's few violently
competitive games. Players often lose their teeth in the mad
scramble to score.
*The Gum Goolooian running race known as
Gradual. A Gradual race is won by the slowest competitor. Distances
are always short, but it’s not uncommon to see people die of ennui
before reaching the finish line. For this reason it has become
something of an underground sport, not approved of by the city's
* The game of Hurl, commonly played by farmers in
the North-West Flatlands. Each player has to find an object that
will usually return to its owner, like a puppy or a bird. The winner
is the person who can throw the bird or puppy the farthest without
having it returned.
And then, discovered by Trevon
Andarosel, there's ... * Treeclimbing. A treeclimbing contest
starts early in the morning, and continues all day. All participants
have to choose a tree and to climb in it. The one who has reached
the highest position at sunset has won. This means you have to be a
good climber, but you also have to choose the highest trees. Pushing
someone else off a tree isn't allowed.
There are two contest
types: the summer and the winter contest. In winter its easier to
find the highest tree, but you have less time to climb in it, and in
summer vice versa.
This is a very traditional sport. Some
say it even goes back to the Forty Foolish Travellers.
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