Umbagollah's Natural
"I think that tree is spying on
(Famous last words of Flip Hivewrapper, coutesan and
undercover agent to the House of Glare)
"Places of natural
splendour in Umbagollah are so numerous that it would exhaust the
mind to list them all. From a historical point of view, the Two Show
Ranges are the most important of the country's geographical
features, as well as one of the most beautiful. Occasionally, the
people of Gooloo awake to hear a long wordless tenor chant coming
down the valleys into their town: this is the sound of the mountains
singing. Why are they singing? No-one really knows. Goolooians
assume that the peaks are simply happy to be alive.
The Fly
Ravine, source of the country-spanning Fly River, is also well worth
a visit. At the end of winter when the snows melt, every inch of
this valley's walls is covered by a rushing, crashing curtain of
water, and the air is thick with spray. Observers have said that it
is like, "standing on the bed of a collapsing
First-time visitors to the Forest of Ex are infallibly
astounded by its darkness. For the right price, some Exians will
agree to guide travellers to the Dusty Vales - clearings where the
thickness of the overhead vegetation makes nighttime permanent. Walk
into one of these clearings and you can hold your hand two inches
away from your eyes and still not be able to see it. The floors of
these places are carpeted with a half a foot of light, pestilential
dust which rises into one's nose and eyes like a cloud of disturbed
midges as soon as it is stepped on. Filter masks are recommended.
People are frequently found lying in the forest face-downward,
choked to death by the dust of the Dusty Vales.
north-western flatlands are also an impressive sight, especially
during sunsets when the golden flare of the falling sun turns the
vivid green of the long grasses to an colour that is almost
indescribable, a kind of "intense bloodred green" to quote the
novelist Agnes
The northern coastline has some stunning
beaches, perfect for everything from deep-water diving to sunning
oneself, but the impassibility of the Forest of Ex renders them
almost inaccessible except by boat.
The Isle of Yunck is
interesting, if you like islands. This traveller doesn't, but even
he has to admit that the Poidy waterfall, that thick stream of water
which falls two hundred feet into an opening in the ground about the
same size as a single bedsheet, is a thing worth seeing at least
(From My head feels light and my feet hurt: a guide
to getting around Umbagollah, by the retired troubadour Adrian
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